In determining injuries and internal bleeding in internal organs, diagnosing bone fractures, bone tumors, determining the location of tumor, infection or blood clot in the body, planning surgery, biopsy or radiation treatments, measuring bone resistance, screening for colorectal cancer, kidney and bladder stones, cancer, heart disease. It is used to detect diseases such as lung nodules and liver masses.
How is Computed Tomography Taken?
Computed Tomography Eating and drinking are stopped before the procedure. Metal objects are removed. The patient lies on the table. The device is mobile and images by passing through the motorized x-ray source.
How Does Computed Tomography Work?
It is possible to access the necessary devices and information via Computed tomography consists of a circular device and a table on which the patient lies, and takes images with x-rays.
Company Name: Anod Teknoloji A.Ş.
Mobile Phone: +90 541 290 30 70
Office Phone: +90 312 222 23 11
Address: Batı Sitesi Mahallesi 2306 Caddesi No: 75 Yenimahalle / ANKARA